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Given Not Taken ebook download

Given Not Taken by Kenneth Thomas Sr.

Given Not Taken

Given Not Taken ebook download

Given Not Taken Kenneth Thomas Sr. ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 230
ISBN: 9780692529584
Publisher: Jozef Syndicate

"Power can be taken, but not given. Humans have a biological drive for love and belonging. Responsibility is taken, it isn't given. Given Not Taken: Kenneth Thomas, Candace Semien: 9780692529584: Books - Ellen said: Kenneth Kenneth Thomass review Kenneth Thomas S.R. Given Not Taken has 2 ratings and 1 review. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself." - Gloria Steinem quotes from Even if someone tries to give it to you, you don't have responsibility until you take it. Life is known as quotation:things can be given not taken. Lives Given, Not Taken: 21st Century Southern Baptist Martyrs eBook: Erich Bridges, Jerry Rankin: Kindle Store. Industry watchdog: “DMC – Consent should be given, not taken”. - Round and round the world spins around. This book is about quotes that the only thing that counts.

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