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Hillary's America. Dinesh D'Souza

Hillary's America

ISBN: 9781621573470 | 256 pages | 7 Mb

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Hillary's America Dinesh D'Souza
Publisher: Regnery Publishing

Hey, America: We have 10 days to help Hillary Clinton win the Iowa caucus. At Hillary for America, we're organizers and communicators, tech nerds and creatives. Join Hillary for America today. The official campaign is only as strong as its volunteers - get involved in Nevada today. It's time to guarantee paid family and medical leave in America. Updated: The Facts About Hillary Clinton's Emails We've put all of the information about Hillary Clinton's State Department .. Veterans, the armed forces, and their families. Hillary Clinton is running for president to be a champion for everyday Americans. (Oct 2007); Founded Vital Voices Initiative with Madeleine Albright. Is the last self sufficient man in America. Paid for by Hillary forAmerica. (Nov 2007); Hillary wanted Bill's cabinet to “Look Like America”. Hillary's Invasion, aka Yurope: the American Invasion, Thomas D. Volunteer for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for president. America must fully commit to supporting veterans.

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